Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bald Eagle or Turkey Vulture?
The easiest way to tell the difference between a turkey vulture is the obvious white head of the bald eagle, but another way is to look at a silhouette of the birds. This method can be helpful for many raptors.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Bald Eagle-
     General- the Bald Eagle is a large predatory bird that eats mostly fish. This huge bird was once on the edge of extinction but has rebounded greatly and now can be found all over North America. Also It is the United States national symbol.
     Lifespan- up to 28 years
     Wingspan- up to 8ft
     Location- all over The United States, more common near water because it eats mostly fish
     Diet- Bald Eagles mostly eat fish, but will steal meat from other predators
     Mating- Bald Eagles mate for life and tend to two eggs each year in one of the worlds largest bird nests

Tips for Birdwatching:
  • Record what you see- The best way to remember all of the birds is to write it down. Write down  the location, date, name of bird, and general description
  • Watch the bird- The moment you look away from a bird you realize how many details you didn't notice that are necessary for proper identification. Study the bird for a while and make sure you know it well because you might not get a chance to look at it again.
  • Listen for calls- Many birds have very distinct calls and songs that can be very important for identification.
  • Be patient- Don't be centered on seeing a specific bird, just enjoy yourself and enjoy the birds.
Click here for great information about birds, 
birding and bird conservation.
National Audubon Society
American Robin - one of the most common backyard
birds in Western Pa
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